The Great Punjab Restaurant

5 Jewel tower, off north main road,
Koregaon Park,
Pune - 1

Phone: (020) 2614 5060
Directions:Take Norh Main Road, turn right in lane #6 (where there's a Pizza hut on the corner). Turn right again at the first intersection and the restaurant is on your left, about 200m ahead.
My Rating: 8/10
Short Review: Great punjabi food, Kebabs and Chicken. May not be too exciting for strict vegetarians. Ambiance is good, service is good. On the negative side, I think they had a disc either on the second floor or nearby and the music there was a bit loud at times.

Posted byKetaki at 1:27 AM  


Mukesh Jha said... 4:30 AM  

Restaurants in Pune

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